My role in building out a site for Utah Media House was simple and exciting. I started by working with their design team helping them make informed desicions for layout and functionality. After the site was designed, I chopped up and coded out the Photoshop files provided to me.
The main feature is the background video at the top of the home page. After converting it to browser-specific formats, I made sure it loads and fades in nicely after the page loads, so as not to affect the PageSpeed score. On mobile, an embedded demo reel takes it's place.
As with all my sites, I try and give the client as much control over editing their content as possible. Not only does this allow them to make as many edits as they see fit, but it cuts down on post-launch development costs. I achieve this using WordPress as a CMS, and a nifty plugin called Advanced Custom Fields. The client can swap out images, text, links, and more, all on their own without ever touching code.
Development and edits took under two weeks, and we were able to launch smoothly soon after that. The sites aesthetics are clean, minimal, and direct. This helps with lead generation and building lasting relationships with their customers. You can check out the site here.